Why You Should Keep A Fitness Journal

Have You Ever?

decided it was time to work out and went to a gym with no real plan or routine in hand? Maybe you arrived there and found that you didn’t know what to do, or only did what was familiar or used equipment that maybe you had seen other people use once before? Believe it or not, the above scenario is really common and happens to everyone at least once in their fitness life. If you identified with the above statement do you remember how that situation felt?

Some of the most common fitness goals are:

  • lose weight

  • get toned

  • get strong

  • be healthier

  • & above all look great!

If you want to achieve your fitness goals then those goals need to be where you can see them and look at them every day. Imagine trying to build a house with no plan, or trying to drive somewhere and not having a map or any sort of point of reference you probably wouldn’t end up with a very nice house, and more than likely you would get lost trying to get there. If you want to avoid frustration and the idea of quitting before you have begun then make a plan.

Why It’s A Good Idea To Keep A Fitness Journal….

Planning ahead to achieve and looking back to be able to see forward, know what you are going to do today and be able to plan for tomorrow these are just a few reasons why keeping a fitness journal is so important. A fitness journal provides purpose and perspective for everything you do on your fitness journey.

Fitness Journaling Can Help You:

  • Plan

  • Focus

  • Target

  • Record

  • Remember

Fitness Journaling gives you all the information about yourself and what you need to do in order to succeed on your journey. It provides an opportunity to see your current progress, make changes where and when you need to, and by being able to review regularly what your fitness journey looks like it allows you to tweak your fitness plan to suit all the positive changes that are happening.

In addition to all of the fitness positivity that one gets when keeping a fitness journal you will actually be able to really understand your current physical health status - providing an opportunity to see sleep habits, eating habits, weight gains, and losses, and of course fitness gains and losses it provides a personal “health snapshot”.

Starting and keeping a fitness journal not only provides a strong foundation for your fitness journey but will help to prevent and ultimately stop the endless “stop and start cycle” that many people get trapped in when trying to get on a fitness journey.

Give your fitness journey purpose and perspective

If you have other ideas and suggestions about keeping a fitness journal please share them below.

Lisa | CPT & Coach

hey all, I’m Lisa, a certified personal trainer and the founder of Body. Mind. Mood.

🫶🏻I'm passionate about helping people improve their physical and mental health through exercise… everyone deserves to feel good about themselves.



I really believe that a healthy lifestyle is about more than just exercise and diet.


It's also about finding a balance between your physical and mental health. I want to help you create a lifestyle that you can stick to, and that will help you reach your goals.


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